
A love letter to the Moorhead Dairy Queen

Come rain, snow, sleet, or (unlikely-best-case scenario) sunshine, you will see Fargo-Moorhead’s inhabitants standing in line outside of the regionally renowned Moorhead Dairy Queen on March 1st each year.

Why this particular Dairy Queen, when Dairy Queens are stamped along every major street in Fargo-Moorhead?

It’s no surprise to those who are familiar with Fargo-Moorhead that we embrace the “North of Normal” life here. We love our unique, quirky shops and restaurants. So when it comes to this particular Dairy Queen, to quote Serious Eats, this DQ is a “chain breaker.” The Moorhead Dairy Queen celebrated its 70th year in 2019 and remains to date to be something of a local attraction. In fact, the Moorhead DQ is credited with the invention of the Dilly Bar – they even have a 16-foot tall statue out front to commemorate the occasion!

Besides it being an absolutely crazy a slightly eccentric local tradition of withstanding the March cold, the Moorhead Dairy Queen serves up smiles with generous portions, a fun presentation, and other menu items you can’t get at other Dairy Queens, like barbecue sandwiches, chili, and old fashioned sodas.

It’s always a treat when March 1 rolls around. It signifies that summer is almost here, by Midwestern standards. It gives us all something to look forward to, even if it’s a balmy ten below on March 1.

If you’re in the area and want to check out this unique slice of the past, be sure to tag us by using our hashtags, #NorthofNormal, #moorheadproud and #ilovefargo!

To sweeten the deal, use one of their opening day coupons to receive $1.00 off a Peanut Buster Parfait!